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My First Journal blog

Here Maybe my First Portfolio maybe :D haha

I try to make my journal in here to become game Developer still a newbie...
Currently, now I try to make a game with Godot Engine is all simple way I am understood so I actually super beginner I just understand the basic math and logic, haha and my Family so Poor so try to make money in Lazy Way (I am so Faking Lazy)

When Unity Engine came out i try to make simple and then I still Confused how to coding in Unity Engine so I leave at that moment, now i try to make a game again with Godot Engine

So Why Godot Engine, first I dunno when Godot Engine Come out, so I Try To Make Goal when my game publishing, and I Focus on Mobile Game especially Android Game, (easy way to make money hahaha), When I see Godot engine and try it Tutorial on Youtube From HeartBeast (he good at explaining for beginner like me) is Easy to understand that, I Try to in Unity Game, maybe I do not understand that engine coding work maybe that's way I give up such good engine

When I try Godot Engine in Hours Simple Platformer and Try Run... Tada.. (try to make sound haha)

Horaay... i can make game :D haha
so from now, I want to Focus one in Godot 3 Engine
and English, not my Native language so is Hard to Understand Tutorial in English my country don't have many tutorials, that's the problems :)

Never Give Up so in Here i try to make my Code works so if Somebody Stuck in Godot Engine like me :), I use free art asset from I can't draw but I want To make my Character maybe in the Future i can make my own Character, so i try to make game with free asset or maybe such fan game base on Anime or Movie or Game other else

So Have a nice Coding haha


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